Wurkzen | RPM – Business AI and AI Tools

Revenue Performance Management Software

Evolve Your Business,

Fuel Growth with AI.

Maximizes Revenue

Creates Sales Agents

Empowers Sales Teams

Improves Teamwork

Creates Sales Channels

Automates Marketing

Obtains New Customers

Streamlines Operations

Automates Routine Tasks

Generates More Revenue

Puts Success On Autopilot

Supercharge sales and revenue performance with AI.

Business AI focused on sales & revenue.

Wurkzen RPM, AI made for business.

Deal Compass™

Use AI to win more deals with higher sales values

Add your services and products, and see how Wurkzen's AI helps your sales team to close more deals with higher AOV.

Lead Magnet™

Get over 10X exposure to new customers & leads

Use an online AI agent to engage with customers on your website and social media driving them to sales channels.

Business 360™

On-demand business insights, powered by AI

Get real-time business insights into any sales & revenue metric by just asking a simple question, Wurkzen makes it easy.

Emotion Engine™

Increase customers and retention by up to 30% with AI

Understand customer sentiment with intelligent AI insights into customer emails, feedback and more to prevent churn.

Deal Compass™

Use AI to win more deals with higher sales values

Add your services and products, and see how Wurkzen's AI helps your sales team to close more deals with higher AOV.

Lead Magnet™

Get over 10X exposure to new customers & leads.

Use an online AI agent to engage with customers on your website and social media driving them to sales channels.

Emotion Engine™

Improve customer retention up to 30%

Understand customer sentiment with intelligent AI insights into customer emails, feedback and more to prevent churn.

Business 360™

On-demand business insights, powered by AI

Get real-time business insights into any sales & revenue metric by just asking a simple question, Wurkzen makes it easy.

Explainer Video

What is an RPM Platform?

RIP Old Business Platforms



Introducing, Wurkzen.

Wurkzen|RPM – Business AI and AI Tools

Wurkzen Revenue Performance Management (RPM) software is a fully-integrated sales and revenue management experience. It leverages business management software and integrated AI to help you run your business better focused on what matters most, revenue. With built-in sales performance, revenue forecasting and more.


Return On Investment


Deal Closures

RPM Demo Video

Seeing Is Believing.

Watch a demo video, that highlights our innovative RPM

24/7 Sales Teams,
Powered by Lead Magnet™

Get a full-time sales force built into your website and social media that directs customers to your online sales channels creating more leads

Augment your sales,
with Deal Compass™

Unleash the power of AI analyzing thousands of customers and orders for recommendations that increase sales and increase team performance

Supercharged with AI, start free.

Unleash your revenue performance management with AI.

One easy-to-use platform, try it free.

Wurkzen|RPM – Business AI and AI Tools

Adaptive AI

Wurkzen|RPM – Business AI and AI Tools

Online Stores

Wurkzen|RPM – Business AI and AI Tools

AI Agents

Wurkzen|RPM – Business AI and AI Tools

Sales & Payments

Wurkzen|RPM – Business AI and AI Tools

Website AI

Wurkzen|RPM – Business AI and AI Tools

AI Marketing

Wurkzen|RPM – Business AI and AI Tools

Customers (CRM)

Wurkzen|RPM – Business AI and AI Tools

Online Booking

Wurkzen|RPM – Business AI and AI Tools

Projects & Tasks

Wurkzen|RPM – Business AI and AI Tools

Cloud Storage

Improve Revenue
From Start to Finish.

Wurkzen|RPM – Business AI and AI Tools

Automated Marketing

Automated marketing campaigns that keep your business top of mind for customers. Our AI recommends seasonal campaigns automatically, saving you a lot of time and money and bringing in more leads.

Online sales channels

When you setup your business you add your services, products and customers. Or revenue performance management software creates your booking page, and sales channels creating more leads and sales.

Online AI agent

Supercharge your online sales with an AI agent that knows your products and services and directs customers to your sales channels automatically, whether its on your website, social media, SMS or email.

measure your results

Use the Business 360 AI to get detailed insights into your business operations, your sales, customers, locations, sales people and more, focused on what matters most, revenue performance management.

Automated operations

Want to save a lot of time? Automate your operations. Wurkzen follows up on past due quotes and invoices, and automatically send feedback requests to customers, boosting your online reputation.

Supercharge Your Team

Supercharge your sales team with a database of AI knowledge on your products, services and the best practices of sales teams. Watch as your team closes more deals and improves customer relationships.

Automated Marketing

Automated marketing campaigns that keep your business top of mind for customers. Our AI recommends seasonal campaigns automatically, saving you alot of time and money and bringing in more leads.

Online sales channels

When you setup your business you add your services, products and customers. Or revenue performance management software creates your booking page, and sales channels creating more leads and sales.

Online AI agent

Supercharge your online sales with an AI agent that knows your products and services and directs customers to your sales channels automatically, whether its on your website, social media, SMS or email.

measure your results

Measure your results directly on your Wurkzen RPM Dashboard. Highlighting your organic sales performance, Wurkzen performance and Marketing Performance. Revenue is key, Wurkzen is here to help.

Automated operations

Want to save a lot of time? Automate your operations. Wurkzen follows up on past due quotes and invoices, and automatically send feedback requests to customers, boosting your online reputation.

Supercharge your Team

Supercharge your sales team with a database of AI knowledge on your products, services and the best practices of sales teams. Watch as your team closes more deals and improves customer relationships.

Our Customers


A Revenue Performance Management platform is a new type of AI-powered business management software that is focused on increasing your sales and revenue using AI and information about your business. Make sure you book a demo to learn more and see how Wurkzen’s RPM can optimize revenue!

Business 360™ is your ultimate AI that connects all of your business data points and optimizes them for AI use using our patented technologies. With Business 360™, you can ask anything about your business, including who your best salespeople are, where your best sales locations are, what your best-selling products are, which projects are profitable, and much more. Business 360™ is meant to optimize your Revenue Performance Management with actionable insights. Book a demo, optimize revenue, and increase sales today!

The Deal Compass™ looks at your Business 360™ data to analyze thousands of points, orders, customers, services, and products, to find relevant upsell opportunities that optimize revenue performance, increase sales, and lead to better deal conversion. find out how all of Wurkzen’s Revenue Performance Management RPM AI modules can help your business today. Book a demo, optimize revenue and increase sales today!

The Lead Magnet™ is a customer-facing portion of Wurkzen Revenue Performance Management (RPM) software. Utilizing patented technologies to create online sales channels, which include an online store, an online booking system, online contact forms, and more. Lead Magnet™ can be installed directly into your existing website by just adding a code snippet. From there, Lead Magnet™ will automatically direct customers to your online sales channels, where they can view your products and services and book online. Book a demo, optimize revenue performance and increase sales today!

The Emotion Engine™ leverages your customers information such as emails, order feedback and more to analyze customer sentiment from our Revenue Performance Management AI. This analysis helps you prevent upset customers that could lead to lost customers and churn. Book a demo, improve your revenue performance and increase sales today!

Revenue Performance Management RPM success is measured through improved financial metrics such as increased revenue, higher profit margins and increase team efficiency. Wurkzen also considers customer satisfaction and market share growth as key indicators.

Yes, Wurkzen uses the Deal Compass to help you increase your orders sale values

Yes, Wurkzen ensures that its Revenue Performance Management – RPM solutions integrate seamlessly with existing ERP, CRM, and other business management systems, enhancing data coherence and operational efficiency.

Wurkzen’s Revenue Performance Management RPM enhances revenue operations by automating marketing efforts, optimizing sales strategies, and providing real-time insights into performance metrics. This leads to more efficient resource allocation and higher conversion rates.

The key benefits include increased sales efficiency, higher customer retention rates, and improved marketing ROI. Wurkzen’s Revenue Performance Management RPM helps businesses understand and predict customer behaviors, leading to better decision-making and strategic planning.

Click on Get Started at the top right of this page. You are able to self-onboard but we highly recommend a personalized demo of our RPM solution to understand the different ways our RPM AI’s can help your business improve revenue performance as it varies from industry to industry and the maturity level and size of your business.

Our Customers Love WURKZEN


Frequently Asked Questions

Got questions? We have answers

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Get your team ready for navigating complex sales scenarios through personalized training. Prepare for ICP-specific objection handling and pitching in hours, not months.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Get your team ready for navigating complex sales scenarios through personalized training. Prepare for ICP-specific objection handling and pitching in hours, not months.

Wurkzen|RPM – Business AI and AI Tools


Wurkzen Marketplace helps your business find more customers by listing your services allowing customers to find you and schedule bookings.

Wurkzen|RPM – Business AI and AI Tools


Selling your products online or from your store has never been easier. Just add your products and start selling, Wurkzen makes it that simple.

Wurkzen|RPM – Business AI and AI Tools


Accept payments whether you are virtual, mobile, have a physical store or are at a Wurkzen coworking space.

Wurkzen|RPM – Business AI and AI Tools


Short-term and long-term coworking spaces that you can book on myWurkzen or clients can book on your website.

Wurkzen|RPM – Business AI and AI Tools


An appointment and quoting system that helps your customers connect to your business and helps you stay on track with your daily activities.

Wurkzen|RPM – Business AI and AI Tools


Keep your business top of mind and keep customers coming back with automated email marketing campaigns.

Wurkzen|RPM – Business AI and AI Tools


Our customer management system provides information that increases retention, rewards loyalty, and provides insights.

Wurkzen|RPM – Business AI and AI Tools


Your business website is automatically created and published when you sign up, allowing you to show your business to the world.